Saturday, August 15, 2009

Idaho or Bust

For those of you who don't know yet, Ryan has been accepted at BYU-Idaho for the Winter/Spring track. We start school in the beginning of January and will be in school in Idaho through July. At this point we are planning on moving out at Thanksgiving because we are going to be in Utah anyway for Sprout's blessing. (BTW, R&J, I think Oscar might be ok...oldish sounding, not ending in an an, in, or en, or on for that matter, and doesn't sound weird with my opinion...) Anyway, so if any of you know of a place to live in the metropolis of Rexburg, please pass along the info. Also, if you know of anyone out in Santa Rosa that is looking for a month to month rental, or a room on a month to month basis, we will be renting out our house when we leave. We also have a new blog called Idaho or Bust that we will be posting our stuff that we are selling, so check it out, have friends check it out and whatnot...thanks all!

1 comment:

Griffin said...

Mia has created a MONSTER!